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Home Safety Tips When Using Gas Cylinders

Home Safety Tips When Using Gas Cylinders

Gas cylinder is the most commonly used source for cooking food in homes in India. Gas cylinders are filled with LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), which is highly flammable in nature. Thus, you should exercise some safety measures when using gas cylinders in your homes.

Always use LPG cylinders, which have ISI mark on them.

Make sure you buy the gas cylinders from genuine dealers. Do not buy them from black market.

While accepting the gas cylinder at the time of its delivery, make sure to check that the cylinder is sealed properly and its safety cap is not tampered, which can otherwise cause the leakage of LPG that might cause dreadful explosion.

Once received, keep the gas cylinder in a vertical position, on a flat surface and in a proper ventilated area.

Make sure that there are no inflammable materials and fuels (like kerosene) near the gas cylinder, which can cause an explosion.

Get help from the service man or the deliveryman to connect the gas cylinder so that it is fitted carefully and correctly.

Always turn off the knob on the gas cylinder, after use, to prevent any accidental leakage.

Close all the stove knobs after use and also if you smell a leak.

Install gas detectors in your kitchen and in the room where you keep your gas cylinder in order to avoid any accidents due to gas leak from a gas cylinder.

While gas cylinders have made cooking fast and easy, you should use them with caution, as the LPG in them is highly flammable and might cause an explosion destroying your home and/or its contents & causing severe injuries to you and your family members.

We recommend that you exercise these safety measures when dealing with gas cylinder and also secure your finances in case there is an accident that leaves you in a state of despair. Thus, you should purchase a home insurance policy as well as an adequate medical insurance policy to safeguard your finances in the event of some unfortunate incident.

Our priority is to keep you and your family safe
We are more than just LPG. We are a watchful companion
LPG is used by people all across the globe for various applications in a safe and consistent manner. However, safety always has a scope for improvement. Because we know that your kitchen is always buzzing with activity with adults cooking and kids sneaking in to grab a bite, we at SUPERGAS have a few safety tips for you.
Your little effort goes a long way, so we are here to guide you throughout, from new connection to order refill. So that you rest assure and cook with ease, so that you have all the more reasons to appreciate the exceptional fuel that is LPG. Safety at its best with LPG.
To do list when Buying LPG
When Buying LPG
Always make sure that you are buying from an authorized franchisee.
Do not forget to check the company seal and safety cap on the cylinder at the time of delivery.
Do not accept the cylinder if the seal is broken.
Please look for the due date of testing, which is marked on the inner side of the cylinder stay plate. The due date is marked by an alphabet representing the quarter (A – March, B – June, C – September, D – December) and year for testing. If the DFT is A-22, it means the cylinder needs to be tested by March 2022.
Do not accept the cylinder if the due date is over.
Check for gas leaks by applying soap solution on cylinder joints and Suraksha pipes at the time of putting the new cylinder into use
Do not use open flame to detect leaks.

Things to remember when Cooking with LPG

When Cooking with LPG
Keep the doors and windows of your kitchen open for proper ventilation.
Do not place flammable or plastic items near the flame.
Never leave your cooking unattended.
Wear clothes that do not catch fire easily.
Close the regulator knob to OFF position when cylinder is not in use
LPG Maintenance
Maintaining and storing your LPG
Disconnect LPG regulator and affix safety cap on the cylinder when your gas stove is not in use for long.
Always store the LPG cylinder in an upright position and away from other combustible and flammable materials.
As good practice, change the suraksha tubes once a year .
Always use ISI approved tubes, stoves, regulators and LPG appliances.
Make sure all parts of your LPG system are in good condition.
Never tamper with your LPG cylinder.

If in case of an Emergency
Close regulator and burner knobs. Do not panic.
Open all doors and windows for ventilation.
Extinguish all flames, lamps, incense sticks and sources of fire.
Put the safety cap on the cylinder.
Call your distributor or emergency service for help.
Do not operate electrical switches and appliances in the room.
Isolate main electrical supply from outside.
LPG is heavier than air and it settles on the ground. Use all available ventilation to disperse the gas

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