PM Yashasvi Scolarship 2022:National Testing Agency (NTA) has invited online applications for PM Young Achievers Scholarship Award Scheme (YASASVI). Interested students can apply online for PM YASASVI Entrance Test Scheme on the official website last date for the PM YASASVI Yojana Application Form 2022 submission is 26th August 2022 up to 11:50 pm. All the students can check out complete details of PM Yashasvi Scholarship Scheme Application procedure, selection procedure, eligibility, important dates, scholarship amount for PM YASASVI Scholarship Scheme 2022.
PM Yashasvi Scolarship 2022
PM Yashasvi Yojana has been organized by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Candidates have to read this article carefully. Check acidity condition carefully, the benefit of this scheme will be available to class 9th and 11th candidates of top class school list. National Testing Agency is accepting applications for PM Yashasvi Entrance Test. The direct link to apply is given below. For more details visit the officer in the evening.
PM યસસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના 2022 ડીટેઇલ માહિતી
યોજનાનું નામ | PM યસસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના 2022 PM YASASVI SCHOLARSHIP YOJNA 2022 |
કોને લાભ મળે ? | OBC, EBC અને DNT વિદ્યાર્થીથીઓ |
કુલ પેટા યોજનાઓ | ૫ (પાંચ) |
અરજી કરવાની વેબસાઇટ | |
PM YASASVI શિષ્યવૃતિ ના પ્રકાર | Pre metric post metric scholarship |
શિષ્યવૃતિ ની રકમ | રૂ.૪૦૦૦ થી રૂ.૨૦૦૦૦ સુધી |
અમલીકરણ | સામાજિક ન્યાય અને અધિકારીતા વિભાગ |
ઓનલાઇન અરજી કરવાની તારીખ | નોટીફીકેશન મુજબ |
PM Yashasvi Scolarship Application Form 2022
PM યસસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના 2022 અંતર્ગત મળતી શિષ્યવૃતિ
ધોરણ/કોર્ષ નું નામ | શિષ્યવૃતિ રકમ રૂ. |
ધોરણ 9 અને 10 | રુ. 4000 |
બી.એ., બી.એસ.સી. , બી.કોમ. | રુ. 8000 |
ધોરણ 11-12 અને ITI | રુ. 5000 |
ડીપ્લોમા,પોલીટેકટીક,નર્સીંગ | રુ. 13000 |
એન્જીનીયરીંગ,મેડીકલ,મેનેજમેન્ટ | રુ. 20000 |
ફોર્મ શરૂ થવાની તારીખ | 27 જુલાઈ 2022 |
ફોર્મની છેલ્લી તારીખ | નોટિફિકેશન મુજબ |
Website |
The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment will be supporting 15,000 OBC and EBC, De-Notified, Nomadic & Semi Nomadic Tribes (DNT/ SNT) to apply for the PM YASASVI Scholarship for the candidates who are studying class 9th and 11th in schools identified by the ministry. Students will be selected for the scholarship based on their merit in the YASASVI Entrance Test (YET) conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
Important Link
PM યસસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના નોટીફીકેશન | Click here |
PM યસસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના ફોર્મ ભરવા ઓફીસીયલ વેબસાઇટ | Click here |
Organaization Name | National Test Agency (NTA) |
Scheme Name | PM Yashasvi Scolarship 2022 |
Exam Name | Yashasvi Entrance Test (YET) |
Application Mode | Online |
Mode of Exam | Computer Based Test (CBT) |
Exam Application Fees | No Fees |
PM Yashasvi Scolarship Scheme Eligibility Criteria
- The eligibility requirements for appearing in the exam are as follows:
- Applicants should be Indian Nationals
- They should be belonging to OBC or EBC or DNT category.
- They should be studying in identified Top Class Schools.
- They should have passed Class 8 or Class 10( as the case may be) in 2021-22
- The annual income of the parents/guardian from all sources should not be morethan Rs. 2.5 lacs
- Candidate applying for Class 9 Exam should have been born between 01-04-2006 to 31-03-2010 (both days inclusive).
- Candidate applying for Class 11 Exam should have been born between 01-04-2004 to 31-03-2008 (both days inclusive).
- Both boys and girls are eligible to apply. Eligibility requirements for girls are the ame as for boys.
NTA YET Exam Pattern 2022
The YET 2022 will be conducted for award of scholarships to OBC, EBS and DNT candidates
studying in Class 9 and Class 11 in identified Top School uis .
Mode of Examination
- YET 2022 will be conducted in Computer Based Test(CBT) mode.
Scheme of Examination
- The Exam will be of Objective type with Multiple Choice Questions.
Section | Subject | No. of Quetions | Marks Of Each Correct Answer | Total Marks |
A | Mathemetics | 30 | 4 | 120 |
B | Science | 20 | 4 | 80 |
C | Social Science | 25 | 4 | 100 |
D | General Knowledge | 25 | 4 | 100 |
100 | 400 | |||