Shram Card Ka Paisa Kaise Check Kare : All over India, the government is preparing a database of all the people who work or work in the unorganized sector. With the help of e Shram Card, the government is preparing a data in which all the information of all the people who work in the unorganized sector inside the country will be with the government. Across India, there are 437 crore workers who work within the unorganized sector, a data of them will be prepared. Due to which these unorganized workers will get the benefits of many types of schemes. e Shram Card Yojana Details Department Labour and Employment Dept. Country India Scheme E-SHRAM Portal or Shramik Registration Online Launched Date Date26th August 2021 Launched By Bhupender Yadav, Labour Minister Toll-Free Numbe 14434, 011-23389928 Official Website How to check e shram card money by mobile number: • To check labor card money from mobile number, you have to see all the information given below, in which you...