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Constant constipation problem, 3 types of juice will help you

Constant constipation problem, 3 types of juice will help you

 Most people suffer from constipation. Constipation can be caused by a number of factors such as drinking less water and not including fiber in your diet. Eating more oily-spicy, processed foods, junk food also causes constipation. Due to constipation, there is a lot of difficulty in passing bowel movements. Sometimes there is a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Constipation sometimes occurs when waste passes through your digestive system very slowly. This causes the waste material to harden and dry out, which impairs bowel movements. If the stomach does not stay clean for many days then it gives rise to stomach, skin etc. related problems. Only with healthy eating habits can you get rid of constipation. Here we are telling you about some healthy juices which can be taken regularly to get rid of constipation.

Risk of constipation

Occasionally constipation is common, but if the stomach does not clear continuously and the constipation persists for two to three weeks, other problems can occur.

Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids

Rectal prolips

Peckle Impaction

Anal Fisher

Juice to relieve constipation

Drinking apple juice relieves constipation

ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચવા માટેં અહી ક્લિક કરો

According to a report published in Healthline, apple juice has a laxative effect, which eliminates the problem of constipation in children. The high fructose, glucose and sorbitol present in it relieve constipation. However, drinking too much apple juice should be avoided.

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