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10 Impressive Health Benefits Of Onions

They might make you cry, but you will only laugh in the long run. Such wonderful the benefits of onions are. And some of them are downright surprising.

Onions are best known for two things: bad breath and tears. The popular vegetable found in most types of cuisine gives dishes their flavorful taste, transforming any meal to an aromatic experience. Raw Onions not only provide an excellent taste for our palates, but provide therapeutic and antibacterial properties that cleanse and detox our bodies to eliminate disease.

Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions.

Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like onions decreases the risk of overall mortality, diabetes, and heart disease.

Plant foods also promote a healthful complexion, hair, increased energy, and overall lower weight.

Onions health benefits includes supporting immune system, preventing cancer, detoxifying the body, aiding antioxidant production, supporting healthy digestion, managing anemia, managing diabetes, supporting hair growth, slowing down aging process, fighting fungal and microbial, relieving pain, relieving cough and cold symptoms, and supporting healthy bones.

Onion is a staple in most of the known cuisines in the world. I personally cannot get over how delicious caramelized onions can be. In Indian cuisine it is the base of almost all curries and stews. Pour a little oil, add chopped onions, garlic, and green chili, there you have it! The perfect base to build any dish. Onions are extremely versatile and add a distinct flavor to food; there are many dishes that are made with onion as the key ingredient. I once had a chance to visit a Sri Lankan friend who had especially made onion curry for me. This is a dish that is made entirely made of onion with oil and seasoning. Then there is the onion pie, also based entirely on onions.

Onions are a superfood, a gift of nature. On understanding what onions can really do, it leaves us in awe of this vegetable. There are many varieties that can be used in different ways; green onions can be sprinkled on top of any savory dish. Not only does it add a pop of freshness and color, but it is also extremely beneficial in helping digest what you eat.  Onions are often considered as one of the world's healthiest foods, packed full of essential nutrients.

The nutritional composition of an onion is quite interesting. The scientific name of the onion plant is Allium Cepa. Onions are full of antioxidants and contain a number of sulfur-containing compounds. This definitely makes this vegetable appealing. Onions are found in many different sizes and can be eaten raw or cooked. A medium sized onion is composed of 89% water, 1.7 % fiber and 9% of carbohydrates. Onions contain 9.3 g of carbohydrates, 1.1 g of protein, 0.01 g of omega 6, 1.7 g of fiber and 4.2 grams of sugar. Onions also contain multiple vitamins and minerals. They are a good source of vitamin B6,  vitamin B9, vitamin C, folate, and potassium. There are multiple phytonutrients that are found in onions. These are Anthocyanins, quercetin, sulfur-compounds, and thiosulfinates.

Whether it’s white, red or yellow onions, these pungent allium vegetables are full of health benefits in addition to big flavor. Through a high supply of nutrients and antioxidants — including flavonoids and polyphenols — eating onions can help you maintain better blood sugar levels, facilitate in building strong bones and be protective against inflammation, which we know is at the root of most diseases.

Studies have linked this amazing vegetable to cancer and heart disease prevention, plus lower risks of developing arthritis, asthma, diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders and other health benefits.

Most people know that onions are very important for health.  Making them part of your diet helps you stay away from many infections and diseases. If you are sick and are looking for a quick heal medicine, then this wonderful vegetable is your best option.

The pungent odor might keep you away but the benefits are totally worth it. They can be cooked in almost all the recipes and can be consumed very easily. Onions are loaded with many nutrients and antioxidants that keep you away from illness and also make you glow due to their detoxification properties.  

Disclaimer: The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a health care professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

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