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information about the kidneys And The main signs and remedies of kidney diseases

information about the kidneys And The main signs and remedies of kidney diseases

Who doesn't love to be beautiful, clean and tidy? Hygiene outside the body is in your hands, but hygiene inside the body maintains your kidneys. The kidneys play an important role in keeping the body clean by removing unnecessary waste and toxins from the body. The last few years have seen a significant increase in the number of patients with kidney disease. With a rapid increase in the number of patients with diabetes and high blood pressure, there has also been a serious increase in the incidence of kidney failure.

Kidney is the body's filter plant

The second Thursday in March is celebrated as World Kidney Day. This year's theme is Kidney for Life, Stop Kidney Attack. Different programs were organized in different parts of the state including Ahmedabad to create awareness among the people about kidney and to understand the importance of kidney in our body and to create awareness among the people about this.

Kidney failure

What Causes Kidney Failure What are the signs of kidney failure? Programs were organized for the purpose of diagnosing kidney diseases. Kidney failure due to kidney stones is also seen in Gujarat more than other countries in the world. Many patients have to be removed due to kidney failure. Kidney failure can be prevented if the stones are treated in time. It can also be prevented by knowing the cause of recurrent stones.

Kidney diseases include kidney infections, stones, nephritis, prostate cancer. Fever caused by malaria and viruses causes kidney damage. About 90% of people in ICU suffer from kidney disease in one way or another. The basic function of the kidneys is to get rid of the waste water and excess water in the blood. In other words, the kidney is a body filter plant that works to maintain cleanliness inside the body. 

The kidneys are useful in controlling the body's blood pressure. The kidneys work to produce blood cells in the body and to strengthen the bones. The kidneys are shaped like the cages of our ribs in the upper and posterior part of the abdomen, below which are the two sides of the spine. The kidneys also work to maintain proper levels of sodium and potassium. It also controls water and salt, which helps keep blood pressure stable

Important information related to kidneys

The important information related to kidney is as follows.

What are the Kidney Failure-Hierarchy communities?

  • Frequent kidney stones
  • Diabetes
  • Have kidney disease at home
  • Hypertension
  • Have had kidney disease before
  • Heart attack
  • People who have been taking painkillers for a long time
  • People above 60 years of age

મુખ્યમંત્રી રાહત ફંડ માંથી કિડની રોગો ની સહાય અંગે માહિતી

સોગંદનામું ડાઉનલોડ કરવા અહી ક્લિક કરો

What to do to prevent kidney diseases::

  • Exercise regularly
  • Matter of controlling blood pressure
  • Diabetes needs to be controlled
  • Healthy and hygienic food should be taken
  • Water should be drunk at regular intervals
  • Stones should be treated in a timely manner
  • A high-risk patient should have a kidney checkup

  • Do not take painkillers for too long
  • Avoid tobacco, gutkha or alcohol addiction
  • Reduce salt in the diet after the age of 30 years
  • A healthy person should drink 10 to 12 glasses of water daily....

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