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Include a pinch of black pepper in the diet to reduce weight and reduce wrinkles

Include a pinch of black pepper in the diet to reduce weight and reduce wrinkles

  • You can drink turmeric and black pepper in milk to increase your ability to fight disease.
  • You can eat it by adding crushed black pepper powder on salads and fried potato chips.

Black pepper is used to enhance the flavor of risotto and vegetables. But it not only enhances the taste but also keeps the health good. Involving it in eating can eliminate many problems.

Turmeric and black pepper can be drunk by dipping it in milk. This milk is given to patients with severe colds. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and carotenoids, which help fight diseases.

In the coronal period it needs to be included in the diet to increase the body's ability to fight disease. Dietitian Dr. Columbia Asia Hospital, Ghaziabad. Aditi Sharma explains, its benefits and how to use it

Eating it by chewing improves digestion

Black pepper improves the digestive system. Hydrochloric acid comes out of the stomach when we eat it with a fork and it helps break down proteins. Hydrochloric acid cleanses the intestines and protects the intestines from other diseases. Be sure to include a pinch of pepper in your daily diet.

Relieve constipation

Adding a few peppers daily to the meal relieves constipation. Eating pepper daily provides relief from colon cancer, constipation and bacterial related diseases. Pepper should also not be overused. A pinch of rock is enough for the body.

Reduces wrinkles

It helps in relieving skin problems and knowing the original color of the skin. Wrinkles and skin problems can be reduced if you use pepper from an early age. It also prevents black spots.....

Useful in weight loss

Mix a pinch of pepper in green tea and drink it two to three times a day. It breaks down excess fat. Improves the body's metabolism.

How to use?

You can also add pepper powder with a teaspoon of salt in the salad. Eat fried potatoes or chips with a pinch of pepper powder.

When you make any soup, add a little pepper to enhance its taste. This will give you relief from the cold and also increase the taste.

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અહીંથી વાચો ગુજરાતી રિપોર્ટ

મરીનો સાદોઉપાય મટાડશે શરદી- સળેખમ- કફ

આંખ ની તકલીફના ઉપચાર અહીંથી વાંચો


Add pepper to the fried rice to enhance the flavor.

Fresh pepper powder can be added to anything. Pepper powder can also be used in salads, soups, pasta and buttermilk.

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