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hazardous earbuds: The use of wireless earbuds is hazardous to health.

 hazardous earbuds: The use of wireless earbuds is hazardous to health;  It carries the risk of diseases like brain caHealthncer and deafness, know the tips to avoid it

 The waves emitted from the earbuds damage the brain tissue
 Use a speaker to watch videos or listen to audio without compromising health

 The trend of Bluetooth headphones is constantly growing.  There are many types of airpods, earbuds and wireless neckbands available in the market.  Non-Bluetooth headphones are handy and wireless, making life easier, but the radio frequency (RF) radiation emitted from them also harms health.  Excessive use of Bluetooth earbuds can increase the risk of brain cancer, according to research.

 According to research by Jerry Phillips, a professor of biochemistry at The University of Colorado in the United States, Bluetooth or wireless headphones increase the risk of brain cancer.  The waves emitted from the earbuds damage the brain tissue.  It can also cause serious illnesses such as neurological, genetic disorders.  Excessive use of wireless headphones can also impair memory.  Children and pregnant women are at greater risk.

 Why the risk of constant or prolonged use of wireless ebuds?
 In fact Bluetooth connects to a phone or other device using radio frequency (RF) radiation.  Because of this, Bluetooth headphones do not have any cables or wires.  Being wireless makes it easier to talk to small earbuds or listen to a song while walking, exercising, or doing other work.

 The electromagnetic frequency emitted from earbuds does a lot of damage to our body.  Prior to the research, 247 scientists from about 42 countries applied to the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) about the health effects of the electromagnetic field emitted from wireless devices.  Was.

 According to scientists, radiation from small headphones can damage brain tissue.  Prolonged use can also lead to brain cancer.  Small earbuds are inserted inside the ear.  Because of this, the radiation emitted from Bluetooth can be dangerous for both the ears and the brain.

 Dangers of small Bluetooth headphones-
 1. Neurological Disease: According to a report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, constant exposure to direct contact with non-ionizing radiation can lead to brain tissue damage which can lead to neurological diseases.

 2. Brain Cancer: Radiation emitted from earbuds damages brain tissue, and if there is already a tumor in the brain, radiation works to increase it, which also increases the risk of serious diseases such as cancer.

 3. Bad effect on the eardrum: Excessive use of headphones also affects the eardrum.  The sound causes a constant vibration of the eardrums, which can cause the eardrums to rupture.

 4. Hearing loss or deafness: Listening to a song in high volume for a long period of time causes problems like hearing less.  The hearing capacity of our ears is only 90 decibels, which gradually decreases to 40-50 decibels.  Which leads to complaints of deafness.  Too often the sound of the horn is not even heard and we become the victims of an accident.

 5. Risk of infection: Using any other headphones carries the risk of ear infection.  Always use your headphones if you want to avoid infection.  If any other headphones need to be used, clean them thoroughly first.

 6. Tinnitus: This is a condition in which the patient constantly hears a kind of noise in the ear.  Listening to a song in fast volume on earphones increases his apprehension.  According to doctors, listening to a song in fast volume makes the ears sound like ‘chan chan’, causing problems like dizziness.

 7. Headaches: Radiation from wireless earbuds has a bad effect on the brain.  Problems such as headaches or insomnia often occur.

 Earbuds are more dangerous for pregnant women and young children
 Prolonged listening to songs on earbuds or talking for long periods of time during pregnancy is more harmful.  According to some research, the use of gadgets with radiation during pregnancy in mothers and unborn babies

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