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Where in the question written Below? (Question mark) Which number will come there?

Where in the question written Below?  (Question mark) Which number will come there?

ઉપર ના પ્રસનનો જવાબ જોવા માટે નીચે જુવો

  Today's riddle If you answer this question, let's believe

 Where in the question written above?  (Question mark) Which number will come there?

To see the answer go to this link

 Students will be asked to answer such questions in the NMMS exam as well as in the competitive exam.

 Share this message with your wise friends like Einstein. 

Be it Anarad ji, Dhruv ji, Prahlada ji or Pandava whosoever has been blessed by that lord, his life must have been condemnable.

In order to give the right shape to a metal vessel, to increase its value and utility, it is thrown and beaten several times in the fire.  Similarly, the devotee also has to face many sufferings and adversities, so that he can flourish and his life can also become priceless and venerable.

We should make a continuous effort to make our life worthy of the Lord's grace.  Our simplicity, our simplicity, our sincerity, and even in the most difficult circumstances, the praise of the Lord and faith in him makes us worthy of his grace.

Please go to Ram.
May everyone please

The one who gets the grace of the Lord, on top of it all also gets the grace.  Then a time must also come when the whole creation becomes favorable for him.  For him thorns like flowers, gentle and enemies also become friends.

If the Lord is pleased, then even a maid son becomes Devarshi Narada. Be good with work and true to heart!  You will definitely become eligible for the grace of God.

Tomorrow morning send a letter to the Charity Commissioner's Office on the letter pad of all the registered trusts of the first Gita Mandir or your society in which it should be clear that if the building in which the building is located is sold for any business employment.  No.  Only for the benefit of the society to be allotted to anyone who is sold as a group for the welfare of the society.

With Jai Bhim stating that the Gita Mandir area has a population of more than 30,000 of your Scheduled Castes.  Where till date no building, wadi, hall of Scheduled Caste society has been constructed which is very sad.  Many working people of the society tried hard to complete this work but to this day no one has listened.  But we have a golden opportunity to complete this work.  There is a very large space in our Gitamandir area.  "Karach Kadwa Patidar Samaj Wadi" This place is currently for sale in the possession of Charity Commissioner Ahmedabad.  Advertised in the news paper dated 26/12/2020.  So the time has come for the people of the society to come together and all of us to come together to build the Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Bhavan of the Scheduled Castes.


2 8 9 


3 2 4 


3 6 .. ? 

Answer : 1

first row is 17 x 17 = 289

second row is 18 x 18 = 324

third row is 19 x 19 = 361

Answer :  1

Today's riddle solution: -

 2 8 9 

  3 2 4 

  3 6 ? 

Where in the question written Below?  (Question mark) Which number will come there?

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