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Whether it is a small or big event that happens in daily life or an important event-experience associated with life, it leaves an impression on every body-mind. We have all experienced the passion of the scene in the picture. Experiences such as twisting the fingers or the legs in a certain position and feeling relieved after the scene is over or taking a deep breath indicate that the effects of the scenes in front of us, the thoughts that arise in the mind and the emotions that arise from it are limited to the mind. Not living, also happens on the body.

You may also go through experiences like getting bored, falling asleep, sometimes diarrhea-nausea, not feeling hungry during the preparation of difficult subjects in the exam. Physical effects such as sore throat, sweating while going to a meeting which is very important for job-business may have an effect on the body due to thoughts running in the mind, aggression, anxiety, eagerness.

Such psychosomatic effects are not unique to specific situations. Everyone, big or small, has a psychological effect on their physical, mental and social experiences. With this in mind, it is understandable that efforts alone are not enough to nourish, protect, or strengthen the body. Maintaining health requires maintaining awareness about every aspect physically, mentally and socially. From such a very subtle and far-sighted perspective, Ayurveda has discussed in great detail about the ‘good news’ for maintaining health. Psycho-physical and social well-being for health

The scenes seen in the picture affect the sensory mind through the eye and convey it to the body. In the same way, the body is affected by emotions like anxiety, worry, fear that run from a particular situation in the mind. Which we will call the mutual psychosomatic effect. But Ayurveda says to go beyond here and focus on social life, conduct.

 Whether it is a daily routine of life or a special behavior like a student, a householder, a man or a woman, an employee. In view of each and every such aspect, a person should be free from rage, hatred, etc., in all such relationships with his elders, gurus, servants, animals, while maintaining serenity of mind and intellect, showing readiness in truthfulness. That is important for health. Asked to understand the serious reasons behind the seemingly very general suggestions.

 Experience teaches us what is the result of expecting more than one's own strength. But how much does he understand from experience? And Ayurveda gives very detailed instructions to cultivate the wisdom to live life with such understanding.

The list of diseases such as heart disease caused by tension, stress, high blood pressure, emotional eating disorder, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, white spots on the skin, eczema is very long. But despite knowing all this, what and how much can we do about it? Because the effect of conditioning on the mind and body to some extent cannot be completely denied. That is why yoga is limited to asanas only, even in meditation there are thoughts about how to stop the thought, how to just see the thoughts. The implication here is that stress is also for the effectiveness of stress relief measures! This is because of the fact that stress and body-mind disorders are the focus of attention. So the way darkness cannot be erased. Light is enough to remove darkness. Similarly, if one wants to get immunity-protection against stress or psycho-physical or social disorder, then by adopting the ‘good news’ suggested by Ayurveda in the context of today's modern age, the side effects on health can be prevented.

Everybody, big or small, has a psychological effect on their physical, mental and social experiences.

Experience achieved:
Chemical powder made from amla, Dhatriyasayan, Amalki Rasayan, Chyavanprashavaleh with proper guidance can be used with nature-friendly diet and vihar to help prevent possible diseases and aging problems.

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