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Gujarati horoscope Hindu calendarand panchang

 Hindu calendar APP 2021

The almanac also known as Panchangam is used to indicate the five elements of Vedic astrology, namely Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karna and Var i.e. days of the week. These five elements connected for one day are known as the Panchang. These five elements change daily with the motion of the moon and the sun. Therefore, the followers of Hinduism refer to Panchgam day by day. The Panchang is also known as the Hindu calendar.

One of the most notable Panchachams available on the internet is Drick Panchang. It has been made available for Android devices with similar features and accuracy, such as This original almanac, which does not require internet connectivity to use, comes with the following features

Grid Calendar -

The grid can be customized for the lunar calendar as well as for solar lenders including Bengali Panjika, Malayalam Panchamgam, Oriya Panji and Tamil Panchacham. Lunar lenders can be customized by selecting the Purnimant and Amanta option and the Vikram Samvat, Shaka Samvat and Gujarati Samvat options. These choices can convert the lunar calendar into Gujarati Panchang, Telugu Panchanga or Kannada Panchangam.

Festivals -

The Drik Panchang is a comprehensive resource, covering most Hindu and Indian festivals, government holidays, jayanti, fasting days including Ekadashi, Sankashti, Pradosham, Purnima, Sankranti, Durgashtami and Shivratri. The Drink Panchang lists lunar eclipse and solar eclipse dates in the year.

Horoscope Support -

Dric comes with Panchang Kundli support and can generate Lagna, Navmasha, Sun, Moon and Venus Kundli for any date, time and place. In the marriage horoscope it shows detailed planetary positions for Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, True Rahu, True Ketu, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

The horoscope can be drawn in North Indian or South Indian chart format. The horoscope can be saved, edited, cached or opened using the horoscope editor. Each horoscope tages with the execution of Dasha and Antardasha. The horoscope comes with the option to explore Dasha and Antardasha in detail for the next 120 years.

Daily Panchamgam - In addition to the list of the five basic elements of Panchgam, a detailed daily almanac publishes Panchak, Ganda Mula, Bhadra, Vinchudo and every auspicious yoga including Ravi, Amrita, Sarvarth Siddhi, Tripushkar, Dvipushkar, Ravi Pushya and Guru Pushya.

The daily Panchamgam also has a list of Abhijit Muhurata, Amrut Kalam, Rahu Kalam, Gulikai Kalam, Yamaganda, Dur Muhuratam, Varjyam and Anandadi Yoga

Muhurta Table - Drick Panchang Day and Night Chogadia, Shubh Horai and Uday Lagna Each running moment is shown with a countdown timer.

Vedic Timer - Vedic time also known as Ishtakal is provided to track time according to the Vedic age of Hinduism. In Vedic times, every day (from sunrise to sunrise) is divided into valley, pala and vipla like our, mins and seconds. In keeping Vedic time, 60 ghats make one day, 60 palas make one ghati and 60 viplas make one pal. It shows 00:00:00 on the sunrise timer and 30:00:00 at sunset.

Horoscope Match - The application can be used to match two horoscopes based on Ashta Kuta. Each matched horoscope result is saved for future reference.

Add Date - User defined date can be added to Punch date with Hindu date or Gregorian date with recursive reminder.

Localization - The application supports all major Indian languages, including Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil or Telugu, with English as the default language.


Hindu Lender Application

Location - Almanacs can be generated for any location and city around the world to get the exact date of fasting and festivals. The application comes with in-built DST support and there is no need to configure time for DST.

Theme - Basically a classic theme set based on traditional Indian colors. However, it can be changed to modern looking themes that come in red, green and blue.


Calendar Images (January 2021 to December 2021)

Rat Vrat Katha - Ekadashi and other festivals

Gujarati calendar with Og Chogadia

્યો Sunrise and sunset time

હે Festivals 2021 (Gujarati festivals)

Oliday Holidays 2021 (Gujarati Holidays)

20 auspicious moments 2021 (wedding date, house entry dates, vehicle purchase details, salutation dates)

Aks constellation and zodiac details

Every fasting day every month

21 Government holidays of 2021

✦ Gujarati Astrology Information or Gujarati Astrology Details (Gujarati Astrology)

Ast Gujarati Astrology 2021 / Gujarati Horoscope Share with your friends and family

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