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Regarding the above subject, to state that Gujarat Taluka and District Panchayat Financial, Accounts and Budget Rules-2013, Gujarat Panchayat Act-18, Gujarat Financial Rules-131, Gujarat Treasury Rules-2000  It is the responsibility of the withdrawal and distribution officer to implement the provisions of other relevant rules and resolutions of the Government and to be presented to the Accounting Branch for payment of faultless bills.  These instructions have been compiled on the basis of significant shortcomings in the bills submitted by various branches.  The following are the instructions to be followed by the branch officers as each withdrawal and distribution officer for the purpose of rectifying the deficiencies in the bills, avoiding trouble in future audits, maintaining financial discipline and reducing the amount of objectionable bills.  Although the instructions in this regard are in the provisions of different resolutions and rules. However, in view of the importance of this matter, for the purpose of bringing to the notice of all the branch officers of the District Panchayat Office, these general provisions / instructions have been compiled and given below, which should be strictly implemented. 

 (1) General matters: 1.  As per Rule-32 of Gujarat Taluka and District Panchayat Financial, Accounts and Budget Rules-2017, all financial transactions with the State Government are instructed to be regulated as per Gujarat Treasury Rules, 2000 Rules or any authorized rules or regulations contained in the Rules.  

2.  Gujarat Taluka and District Panchayat Financial, Accounts and Budget Rules-2018 Rule 41 (ii), Gujarat Financial Rule-181 Rule-2 and Gujarat Treasury Rule-2000 Rule-19 while every government employee / officer while spending from public money  A person with common sense must be as vigilant in spending his money as he is.  Government money should be used efficiently and economically.  As per Rule-3 (d) of Gujarat Financial Rules, 181, the responsibility of irregular payment lies with the withdrawal and distribution officer.


As stated in 18, the grant has been received, so the power to spend is not available. Where necessary, prior approval has to be obtained for spending by a competent authority.  As per Rule 13 of Mumbai Contingency Expenditure Rules, 19, it is not necessary to get the approval of the higher authority required for the total amount of the purchase order, therefore not to divide the purchase order.  General Instructions for Preparation of Bill To act as given in Gujarat Taluka and District Panchayat Financial, Accounts and Budget Rules-2013 Chapter-3 and Gujarat Treasury Rules, 2000 Rule-3.  As per the circular number of finance department - Cinnamon 8/103/4 / Z, dated 11-06-17, detailed classification in the grant order, order number of the plan, budget head should be written in a systematic manner to insist with the controlling officer.  The payment order with the bill must show the head and full head structure of the head to be spent.  Mandatory inclusion of outward number and date in payment order with bill.  If there is an appendix / form along with the order, it should also have the signature of the person making the order and the number-date of the order should be indicated at the head of the form.  In the payment order, the approval received from the head of the department / department / government and the rule or resolution by which the person making the payment order is empowered and all other related provisions should be read.  Refer to the Financial Powers Delegation Rules, 12 and the department's special sanction orders.  Avoid raising bills (even if there is no immediate need to spend) so that the grant does not lapse.  (Gujarat Treasury Rule-17) From here, if the bill is in error, if a certificate is required in the bill, it should be given in the bill body.  Thus, the purpose of compensating for the loss and fulfilling it as per the financial rules is not maintained and the bill is re-objected.  

14.  To attach only the original signed orders of the competent authority with the bill submitted to the Accounting Branch.  Submitting the bill only after full and timely completion of any of the defects shown herein so that the bill does not have to be refunded again for indemnity.  Bills Necessary Approval, U / v Distribution Officer - To present only the bills which are in the power of the Control Officer, which are inconsistent in the interpretation of the rules in the Bills.  Not to introduce the same type of bills over and over again by interpreting it as a matter of policy.  Damage must be met only by the full signature of the withdrawal and distribution officer. 

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