Corona Unlock-2 Guideline Declared

चरणबद्ध तरीके से गतिविधयों को शुरू करने काम अनलॉक-1 में ही कर दिया गया था. अनलॉक-2 में भी इसे आगे बढ़ाया जाएगा. अनलॉक-2 की गाइडलाइंस अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों के लोगों से परामर्श लेने के बाद जारी की गई हैं. इसमें राज्य, संघ शासित प्रदेश और केंद्र मंत्रालय व उसके विभाग भी शामिल हैं.
The government on June 29 released guidelines for second phase of Unlock in which certain economic and social activities have been permitted.
The new guidelines will come into effect from July 1, the Union Home Ministry said. The new guidelines are based on feedback received from States and Union Territories, and extensive consultations held with related Central Ministries and Departments.
The operations of domestic flights and passenger trains will be further expanded in a calibrated manner, the Centre said.
The school-college will remain closed till July 31 as per the guidelines announced by the central government. International flights will also be banned. However, international flights that have been approved by the Home Ministry will be allowed to fly. The ban on crowds at metro services, cinema halls, swimming pools, theaters, bars, social and religious events will remain in place.
Unlock 1 was announced by the central government to give economic impetus to the country after the country went through a four-phase lockdown over the corona virus crisis. Unlock-1 was implemented across the country from June 1. Then tomorrow is the last day of Unlock 1. The Unlock 2 guideline can then be released by the Central Government.
Unlock 2 retains most of Unlock 1's controls. A curfew was imposed in Unlock 1 by the government from 9 pm to 5 am. While in Unlock 2, curfew has been kept from 10 pm to 5 am. Schools and colleges may be closed on July 31. In addition, cinema halls, theaters, gyms will also be closed.
The Union Home Ministry has announced guidelines for Unlock 2.0 and said it has decided to open up more activities outside the containment zones, while maintaining that there shall remain strict enforcement of lockdown in the containment zones.
The new guidelines issued today for Unlock 2.0 will come into effect from July 1. The government said with this, the process of phased re-opening of activities in the country has been further extended.