Food Security Allowance Distribution Formats in Word and Excel Here is available all Documents for Food Security Allowance. You can download pdf and excel file from here and edit your data in this file. You can Download Anaj Vitarn cupan for standard. 1 to 5 and 6 to 8. You can Download Bank Schedule. Mead day Meal Sanchalak Record for Food Distribute. The current global epidemic has been declared due to the Corona virus. At present, it has been decided to close primary schools till 29/3/2020. Under the mead day meal, the Government has decided to give cooking cost allowance to every children Wheat and rice will also be provided to each child. Rice and wheat will be provided from the school based on the grain coupon. And will be noted in the ration card. In standard 1 to 5 , 550 grams of wheat and 550 gram of rice will be provided and In standard 6 to 8 , 825 grams of wheat and 825 gram of rice will be provided. The school principal, teacher and MDM Sanchalak will work together. Food S...